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About Ryan

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About Ryan

Ryan earned a B.A. in Linguistics and Russian from Swarthmore College in 1995, and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from UC Santa Cruz in 2000.  He has taught photography and Reiki in the US and abroad, and has a strong interest in collaborating with musicians, poets, writers, and creative people of all kinds. Ryan is also a meditator, plays the flute and piccolo, and speaks seven or eight languages, so is always looking for ways to help us connect and understand each other more fully.

Whether photographing trees, overhead wires, reflections on water, or anything else, Ryan’s style tends to be meditative and reflective, inviting the viewer to enter a way of being that’s calmer and deeper than our ordinary selves, with our constantly-spinning thoughts and grasping for more, more, more. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, and is in many public and private collections, including the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, the Stanford Medical Center, and the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. 

Ryan J. Bush, Ph.D.

Ryan J. Bush, Ph.D. is a fine-art photographer, author of The Music of Trees and From Wandering to Illumination, co-author of A Singing Wire, and a Reiki master/teacher based in Los Gatos, California. He has been photographing seriously since 1996, using techniques such as abstraction, multiple exposure, 3-D photography, and video art to explore themes of consciousness, oneness, our connection with nature, and the sacred hidden in the mundane.


Instagram: @ryan_j_bush

Facebook: @RyanBushPhotography


Twitter: @RyanBushPhoto

Follow Ryan on Social Media to hear about his latest projects, books, and events, and see new series in the process of being born, with the snapshots that often serve as the inspiration for new bodies of work.



Ryan is available to give workshops on many topics, including the following:

  • "From Wandering to Illumination: The New Eleusinian Mysteries"combining my mandala-like 3-D multiple exposure photographs of trees, with the ancient Greek story of Demeter searching for her daughter Persephone, and the modern effort to reconnect with soul on both the personal and collective levels.

  • "Varieties of Seeing", using the three series of photographs in The Music of Trees to illustrate three of our main ways of seeing, including our ordinary of seeing (where we may barely notice the world around us as we rush around multitasking and caught up in our thoughts), the imagination (such as the world of dreams and inspiration), and visionary consciousness (as in experiences of awakening and oneness).

  • "Photography as a Form of Meditation and Active Imagination", exploring how photography and other artistic media can be used as forms of meditation and active imagination, similar to the traditional Jungian technique of engaging in dialog with the psyche and imaginal figures, though using visual art as the medium of dialog.

  • "Visualizing the Mundus Imaginalis", exploring various philosophical, artistic, and meditative approaches to exploring the world that some call the mundus imaginalis, aka the imaginal world, non-physical  world, the Beyond, or other dimensions of reality.

  • Many other topics related to connecting with our creativity, intuition, inspiration, and our whole self, integrating mind, body, and energy, making progress on the path of awakening, and many more


Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Represented by

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists Gallery, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco CA 94123

Selected Solo Exhibitions and Presentations


Please let us know if there's any way we can help, or if the work speaks to you!

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Ryan J. Bush, Ph.D. is a fine-art photographer, author of The Music of Trees and co-author of A Singing Wire, and Reiki master/teacher based in Los Gatos, California. He has been photographing seriously since 1996, using techniques such as abstraction, multiple exposure, 3-D photography, and video art to explore themes of consciousness, oneness, our connection with nature, and the sacred hidden in the mundane.


  • wide range of museum-quality, limited edition photographs, both framed and unframed

  • books on art, poetry, and consciousness

  • in-person and online workshops and presentations

  • video art, meditation downloads

  • one-on-one consultation and coaching, to increase creativity and artistic vision, and make progress on personal and spiritual development



4010 Moorpark Avenue

Suite #216

San Jose, CA 95117 


 1996-2023  •  Ryan J. Bush, Ph.D.  •  all rights reserved

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